Friday 13 August 2010

bloggers block.

Hi everyone! I got back from my holiday early on Tuesday morning. It was lovely, although i was quite ill. I haven't been doing a lot since i got back from holiday, i went out on Wednesday night which heightened my jet lag even more. Being so tired, i have not been thinking of anything interesting to post on here, maybe next week i'll be a bit more productive. Love to all. x

Saturday 24 July 2010

you could get what you want, or you could just get old.

One and a half days until my holiday, and i'm irritated with myself. I've put on two pounds when i'd been working so hard to lose weight!Last night i ate far too much chocolate after eating out two nights in a row, i wish i'd had some 'fat pictures' of myself to hand to stop myself. I know its not the end of the world and i'm still slim but it's a bit frustrating. On the topic of weight, i remember seeing V magazines size issue and being surprised to see how beautiful the plus size models looked. Although its not intentional, most of the people whose beauty i am in awe of are usually super skinny, but here i thought the models looked beautiful. I am all for embracing your body and seeing that there is not just one kind of beauty, but later i realised how ridiculous this editorial is really. Here Candice Huffine has a beautiful roll on her back, yet her back doesn't bulge in any way. Tara Lynne has some 'cute' belly fat, yet her stomach stops exactly at the waistband and there is no overhang here. Fat doesn't sit this perfectly in real life, i'm sure. Going further, if your fat you become the owner of a gorgeous double chin, which here there is zero evidence of.I'm all for plus size models such as the gorgeous Crystal Renn, who has come under controversy recently due to airbrushed pictures of her, but this editorial irritates me. It tries so hard to present the 'real' body, yet the finished product is so bloody fake.

Thursday 22 July 2010

And if it comes to the rain, just be glad you'll smile again

Hi everyone, i've been lazy with this recently but i've been preparing for my holiday and i had my driving test this morning. I failed again! It's getting like a routine now, i was so close this time, i just fucked things up reversing around a corner but i felt confident about the rest of it. Hopefully i'll get a cancellation and be able to do it again! It's also four weeks until A level results today, so that really needs to go better than these silly driving tests i keep messing up.
Is anyone else getting A level or AS results? What uni is everyone hoping to go to? If i pass, i'll be going to London, which i've had my heart set on for so long so i really hope i do. Thats all really, hope everyones having a good week. I go to Egypt on Monday, looking forward to two weeks of beautiful relaxation and feeling refreshed before coming back to tackle some more driving and find out my fate!
Here are some pictures which i felt were appropriate here!

Friday 16 July 2010

Yet there's still this appeal that we've kept through our lives

Topshop tunic and boots last night. This week i have been doing not a lot, apart from driving lessons. My test is coming up very soon. I'm nervous 'cos its not my first one, and i've been having lessons for a loooong time. After that i'm going on holiday for two weeks to Egypt, so i'm hitting the gym extra hard to try and lose a few more pounds. I've been losing weight since February and so far have lost 10lbs, which is brilliant, i'd like to lose just a few more though! It's motivating because i'm excited to wear all my holiday clothes! Hope everyone else is well, love to all x

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Hello gorgeous!

It's 3.30 am and once again i cannot sleep. My eyes are shutting, my mind isn't and i can hear the rain outside, it hasn't stopped raining today, but this is England, what do i expect?
Seriously though, Eva Mendes in Allure magazine, wow! What a beautiful woman. She is the epitome of class in these pictures.

Tuesday 13 July 2010

chasing you into the dark

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Diana Vickers in Look magazine, i love how they styled her here. I tend to either love or hate how she dresses normally though. I need to own these leather shorts though! The bone structure in her face looks really good in these pictures too.
I liked Diana when she was on the x factor because she wasn't afraid to be different and be herself. Shes only around a year older than me and i found her character likeable and very down to earth. A lot of people say she can't sing or that her voice sounds painful but i downloaded her album a few weeks ago and while it's not really my cup of tea, it's listenable.
There is one track i really love called 'chasing you' and i liked her first single 'once.'
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dreaming with a broken heart

Image and video hosting by TinyPicThe last few days i haven't been doing a lot at all, sitting in bed with a hangover on Saturday and then the gym and driving lessons the last few days On so many blogs i have been seeing pictures from the new season of gossip girl in Paris, which i am so excited to watch. I realised i had sort of abandoned the last season though so i caught up on the last few episodes with my boxset. I am in love with Chuck Bass, so i'm glad he's been seen on set filming the new season! As for the picture above, wouldn't that be the best situation ever to be in, in bed with the gossip girl cast? Although at the moment i cannot stand Taylor Momsen as either herself or 'little J' so i'm so happy she misses most of the next season due to 'touring commitments'
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Leighton Meester in Marc Jacobs, leighton and mark? two of my loves in life, this is toooo good.

I don't know who looks better there? I love them both so much, 'chair' need to reunite in season 3!
Thanks to all my new followers and anyone whose commented, loves to you all! x

Thursday 8 July 2010

control me like you used to

Thanks everyone for the comments on my previous post, i'm wearing the dress out tomorrow night so will be sure to get some pics!

Sorry about such bad quality pictures, everyone. I dropped my camera resulting in a broken lens and its currently being fixed so i've resorted to webcam!Everyone always posts pictures of them in such gorgeous locations so sorry about my bedroom with my mini trampoline in the background haha! I'm a bit of a topshop princess today.
Lace back top - topshop
Shorts - topshop
lace boots - topshop

Wednesday 7 July 2010

todays purchase..

dress by Jones & Jones at topshop. I love the full skirt, plus its got a cut out back which brings it a bit more up to date . Can't wait to wear, love it.

Monday 5 July 2010

denim shorts -urban outfitters
denim shirt - topshop
lace trim vest - primark

Sunday 4 July 2010

Daddy i'm so sorry, we just like to party

Ginta Lapina turns 21

There was a stage when everytime i went on the topshop website (which was obviously far too often, i just can't keep away) I would feel that sinking feeling of envy and frustration. Yes this was caused by the fact there was so much i couldn't afford, but also because of the sight of the pretty face up above me and the regret that i am not her, Ginta Lapino. I don't know too much about Ginta apart from the fact she has a stunning face to match her figure so i thought I would post these pictures that i discovered of her celebrating her 21st birthday in New York last week. In her shots for topshop i think she looks very young, only around 18 or 19, she looks completely different here, older than 21 maybe but i can't believe how stunning her skin is. In this picture to the right >>>> I think she has a slight look of Lara Stone, but it's probably just the angle and the fact it's not a close up. Her dress is to die for and after a further google investigation i discovered it was infact the one she wore on the runway the Versace Spring show. If only i got paid to dress up!

Friday 2 July 2010

i cut like a buffalo

I came across these pictures today of Sienna Miller and Jude Law watching 'the dead weather' a few days ago at the Camden Roundhouse. I am a huge Sienna Fan so felt obliged to post them. I also love the dead weather. As always Sienna looks amazing, i have loved her style right from her boho days and i think she has blossomed as a style icon. I particularly like the shoes shes wearing in these pictures. Her acting abilities have been questioned, but i have loved in her 'factory girl' although playing Edie Sedgwick was obviously going to be a tough role, and i first fell in love with both her and Jude in 'Alfie.' I prefer her hair slightly longer and without the fringe though, overall she is looking great these days. It's a shame the same can't be said for Jude. He's starting to look a lot older these days and seems to have put weight on. I loved him and Sienna as a couple first time round, yet now i think she could do better than him. Apparently after watching 'the dead weather' he took her for a kebab. Classy. Lets hope he actually appreciates how lucky he is to have Sienna this time.
And on the subject of Miss Miller, i am in love with so many twenty8twelve (the Miller sisters fashion range) pieces. I especially want this playsuit (top picture) i believe it comes in navy too, it's so gorgeous, especially on Sienna herself.

Thursday 1 July 2010

a sky of diamonds, just for us

So tonight i apologise, i have been blogging like crazy and its because i hate the emptiness of
this blog, and its lack of followers, so if you see this follow me please! Also because tonight i have nothing better to do really, i've been sitting in listening to the rain, which is unusual because i usually cannot be without music, but theres something comf
orting about the rain too. I've also been going through my
wardrobe too, trying to find something to wear on
Saturday night. I found this sequin embellished top from to
pshop last summer. I haven't worn it in a while since i did over-wear last summer but it might be time for it to make an appearance again. I'm thinking about getting a few vin
tage tops similiar to this that i've seen on ebay, they'd be so han
dy this summer for throwing on with some denim cut offs
Anyway, anybody who does read this it's highly likely any pictures i post of myself i will be looking rough without any makeup, probably because instead of comfort eating or boredom eating, i've been 'comfort dressing.' Definitely beats comfort eating, which is a killer for a diet! I'd also love to hear from anybody reading this, love to all xx

i dont know whats right and whats real anymore...

Here are some pictures of the beautiful Lily Allen in her shoot with Elle magazine this month.. i have got to say she looks lovely! In her interview she talks about how she is planning to give up music to have babies, which is sad. I saw her live last December and she was brilliant. She also looked tiny on stage, despite scrutiny over her weight and wore some fabulous outfits! I've also heard rumours that her and her sister are opening their own shop... so whats musics loss, could be fashions win!
On another note, i am so lusting over these Frank Tell wedges, i want, i want!

today i wore...

I have been wanting to post some outfit posts but at the minute i haven't really been doing a lot or dressing in anything other than my gym clothes! I've been training a lot to get into shape for my holiday and also saving money since i really need to do so!
Okay so this evening i went for a meal with family, i wore topshop cropped trench with a white zara blouse underneath with navy leggings and ankle boots.
I also showcased my new rayban aviators,i hate this picture,it makes me think GET A NOSEJOB but the sunglasses, love!

Wednesday 30 June 2010

tonight the world is freja's.

Today, i was thinking about who my favourite model is. They seem to change depending on whose popular at the minute or whose just done a stunning shoot, but i will always have a soft spot for Freja Beha
She is stunning and i love her values and independence as a model. I also love her tattoos especially 'this too shall pass' and 'tonight the world is mine.' In fact i actually wanted 'this too shall pass for myself' but we'll have to see.
A lot of models can be harsh looking and not really very attractive imo but Freja has such a cute face too and killer cheekbones.
Her openness about her sexuality is admirable too, though i suppose there are more bi/
lesbian models these days like Erin Wasson and Amanda Moore, oh and Krista McBride. I'm not sure if shes dating anyone at the minute but she was dating Abbey Lee Kershaw and th
ere were rumors about Irina Lazareanu.
Personally i love Freja and Abbey Lee to
gether, so adorable.

Thursday 10 June 2010

chloe lust

I am so in love with everything chloe at the minute. Has anybody seen these? I just adore how they combine the whole leather high top look with moccasins and then theres the studs. It shouldn't work. But it so does.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

boots boots boots

My topshop aaliyah boots arrived today so even though i was only popping out for a bit, i decided to wear them just because i adore them... not a great picture and my face had to be cropped out, not a good makeup day but they're so versatile! I cannot wait to wear them properly!
Also i realise my blogging skills are still a bit of a fail, but bare with me ladies (and anyone else reading) i will get there one day!

Sunday 6 June 2010

transformer girl

So it looks like Rosie Huntington Whitely is taking over from Megan Fox in Transformers. While i'm even less interested in the film itself than the history revision i currently should be doing, i am overjoyed for Rosie. She's gorgeous and seems down to earth although i have no idea about her acting ability. Oh and cheekbones to die for.
I also feel a little uninformed making this post as i also don't know why Megan was fired? Anyone care to inform me? I have always understood Megans appeal because shes beautiful, but she has been quoted saying some ridiculous things in the past, such as '“Ok, well let me tell you what [High School Musical] is really about. High School Musical is about
this group of boys who are all being molested by the basketball coach, who is Zac Efron’s dad. It’s about them struggling to cope with this molestation. And they have
these little girlfriends, who are their beards. Oh, and somehow there’s music involved. You have to get stoned to watch it.'..
Not too sure what that is all about. Anyway looking like this, it looks unlikely Megans going to ever be short of work.

One more chance

So here we go again. This is not my first time at trying to create a blog, fashion or otherwise. But when faced with the choice of this or yet more revision, now looks like the best time to start again.

Anyway, i am excited because tomorrow my topshop aaliyah boots, should finally arrive in the post. I know they are old now and haven't been sold in topshop in months, but i love them. So many times do i put an outfit on and think 'i need those boots for this' and now i will finally have them! No doubt i will overwear them and get bored, but they were an ebay bargain...