Saturday, 24 July 2010

you could get what you want, or you could just get old.

One and a half days until my holiday, and i'm irritated with myself. I've put on two pounds when i'd been working so hard to lose weight!Last night i ate far too much chocolate after eating out two nights in a row, i wish i'd had some 'fat pictures' of myself to hand to stop myself. I know its not the end of the world and i'm still slim but it's a bit frustrating. On the topic of weight, i remember seeing V magazines size issue and being surprised to see how beautiful the plus size models looked. Although its not intentional, most of the people whose beauty i am in awe of are usually super skinny, but here i thought the models looked beautiful. I am all for embracing your body and seeing that there is not just one kind of beauty, but later i realised how ridiculous this editorial is really. Here Candice Huffine has a beautiful roll on her back, yet her back doesn't bulge in any way. Tara Lynne has some 'cute' belly fat, yet her stomach stops exactly at the waistband and there is no overhang here. Fat doesn't sit this perfectly in real life, i'm sure. Going further, if your fat you become the owner of a gorgeous double chin, which here there is zero evidence of.I'm all for plus size models such as the gorgeous Crystal Renn, who has come under controversy recently due to airbrushed pictures of her, but this editorial irritates me. It tries so hard to present the 'real' body, yet the finished product is so bloody fake.


  1. Love this chanel-mac food!

  2. Adoring that first pic, it's insane!! And I believe in embracing your body, however we should be healthy. =D


  3. The Chanel takeaway is awesomeee! But totally see what you mean about the picture, trust a magazine airbrusher to even make fat perfect!


  4. i think it's important to embrace your body the way it is, but I am totalyy with you. I get so mad at myself when I eat out too much.. and gain a couple of pounds, very frustrating.

  5. Wow you're really observant! Now that you've mentioned it, I do think you're right. Its like they try so hard to portray 'natural beauty' but go one round back to where they started with the editing and all that. ): Its almost ironic. I do love the idea behind your post though, its really inspirational! (:

    Thanks so much for dropping by! (: I'm actually only 5 feet 4. ): Pretty short, aw. Hahaha. Btw, I can't see a follow button, and I do love your blog quite abit! :D Is there one? (:


  6. Great post

    and your not alone, I get really annoyed by my inability to control what I eat!


  7. Love the Chanel picture haha, I've seen it before but it never gets old! I liked that V Magazine approached that shoot as a way to show people women with curves are gorgeous too, but like, I dunno, I felt they kind of made it a bit trashy? All the oil slick and ill fitting clothes just didn't really work the editorial to the potential it had. I feel dead critical now, sorry!

    Fashion Stereotype
